The excitement was great as volunteers gathered, packed, and delivered clothes, food, and other essential items for refugees in the Ukraine.
Melina Grahovac, a sister from the Frankfurt Germany Stake, describes how a simple idea to help refugees grew into much bigger act of service.
Stake President Michael Cziesla of the Frankfurt Germany Stake describes the joy felt by those who participated in a service project organized to help local refugees.
Lyon Stake Relief Society President Evelyne Baldi talks of the compassion felt by members of the stake towards local refugees and how it drove them to reach out in service.
President Roland E. Lepore of the Lyon Stake describes the joy of growing closer to Christ, by providing service to refugees in his area.
Tämä hetki ei määrittele pakolaisia, mutta meidän suhtautumistapamme määrittelee osaltaan meitä.
General coordinator Alberto Barbieri underlines the partnership between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and MEDU in providing vital medical assistance to refugees on the streets of Rome.
Coordinator Flavia Calò outlines the partnership between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and MEDU Sicily in providing psychological first aid to refugees who have landed on the island.
Several helping hands experienced great joy and the sweet spirit service brings by assembling newborn kits containing essentials for refugee babies.
Vanhin M. Russell Ballard on auttamassa niitä, joiden elämään Euroopan pakolaiskriisi on vaikuttanut.
Seurakunnat ja yksittäiset ihmiset ovat organisoimassa apua pakolaisille Euroopassa.